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10 annoying Irish ads that have driven the country up the wall

1890, 22 22 22…

BEING AN ADVERTISING executive in Ireland is a rollercoaster ride. Get it right, and people will remember it fondly forever. Get it wrong, and you risk p*ssing off the entire country. Like so.

1. Pat Shortt crooning 1890 22 22 22

Source: onedirectireland/YouTube

Pat, we love you, but HOW DARE YOU.

2. Rachel and Steve

steveandrachel Source: YouTube

So reviled that people actually rejoiced to hear the campaign had finished.

3. WiMax

Source: ImagineGroup/YouTube

It’s something about the “a-comin’ across the nation” bit that makes our skin crawl. And what of WiMax now? Was this ad their death notice?

4. Any and all of the VHI ads

Source: timmystrawjaw/YouTube

“I thought that if I got sick somewhere like Kenya it would be like ‘oh my gooooddd’…” See also: “Tiny baybees.”

5. AIB bleating on about ‘brave’

Source: AIB Bank/YouTube

“And main streets BUH-sul.”

6. This masterpiece by the RTÉ Guide


Not entirely sure how any of that was relevant to what’s in the magazine, but sure?

7. 123, dot ie, just log on and save money

Source: Windmill Lane Post/YouTube

You’re almost making us not want to save money, 123.

8. “Train tracks are ching ching, bitta cash you know what I mean”

Source: Heather Thornton/YouTube

Bank of Ireland were down with the kids (and trying to give them loans) in the early 2000s.

9. Vodafone’s opera-singing dad

Source: Vodafone Ireland/YouTube

“Dad, you big eejit.”

This ad appeared twice in every ad break, before videos on YouTube, and in the cinema for several months in 2015. Several months of torture.

10. And of course, their pig man and his much younger girlfriend

donalmary Source: YouTube

Vodafone at it again. How is that woman his mother? Surely she’s only ten years older than him at the most. FREE MARY.

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